Friday, August 31, 2007

Prodigal Return

Okay- so I guess I've been a shitty blogger lately. I'm just so friggin' busy with school and work. The beginning of the semester is my busiest time here at work and I haven't had any time to just chill. I'll give you a quick breakdown of our lives for the last two weeks.

-I have Music in the Classroom at 8am MWF. This morning, we did the Virginia Reel for an hour. I'm a dork, so TOTALLY loved it. We also learned Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth's first dance from the A&E/BBC Pride and Prejudice- the one at Sir William Lucas' house. I learned it!!! I'm so excited! For the class, we have a music teacher and a dance teacher and I am loving most of it. It's so lame, though. We have to sing EVERYTHING. We even sing the roll call! When your name is called, you have to sing SOLO! It's ridiculous and terrifying and not at all what anyone should have to do at 8am. But if you want to be a teacher, you can't be afraid to look like an idiot. That's the greatest lesson learned so far in this class, I think.

-Hawkins is great. He's trying to hard so crawl and does a little bit of the snail (pulling whole body with just arms). He also does this weird moving version of the plank pose in yoga. Very advanced. He's so alive and awake to the world and seems to want to catch everything. He loves the outdoors- birds chirping, dogs barking, tree leaves swaying, clouds moving, bees bumbling. It's all just so grand to him (okay- and me, too). He's cuter than ever and is actually getting some HAIR! We'll be able to do a good mohawk soon. I'm excited.

-Scott and I leave for Fla. this evening. Life has been such a whirlwind that it hasn't really hit me yet. Tomorrow morning at this time, we'll be walking on the beach! I don't even have a damn bathing suit! Ugh. I hate them all! I have bottoms, but just no matching top. Dumbass me. I'm a little scared to leave Hawkins, although, I trust Scott's mom. The idea of being so far from him is just kind of paralyzing. A five day break with my man will be nice, though. I don't know what the hell we're going to do with so much free time. I've been trying to read All the Pretty Horses for a year. Maybe this time, I'll get through it.

Work is work. A little more stressful atmosphere b/c someone in our office has cancer and everyone is concerned.

I'm continuing to work out pretty regularly. I'm not weighing myself, though. My clothes will be the judge. A few people have commented that I look thinner, but I can't really tell. Maybe soon.

Scott has an interview when we get back from Fla. This would mean a substantial raise in our monthly income. Send good, confident, intelligent, well-spoken vibes to him on Thursday! I'm sure he'll do great, but still! He'll be nervous and need those good thoughts!

Happy Labor Day weekend! (lots of happy, little work)


1 comment:

Mary Ruth said...

Have a great time in FL! You deserve the rest. Don't worry about the bathing suit or how you look. You are really darling inside AND out! By the way, tell Scott that I am sure that his interview will go well. He is so intelligent and charming! I was really sold on him from the very first moment I met him. I'm sure others will be just as charmed. (Think about it, Amber. You were pretty pleased with Scott when you met him. Things really clicked for you almost immediately.) As far as your class goes, get used to being embarrassed. Kids will find anything about their teachers to laugh about. A good teacher doesn't take herself too seriously and keeps a great sense of humor. Have confidence in yourself and in what you are doing. Singing at 8:00 am may not be such a bad idea. It certainly gets your blood flowing. To me this class sounds so much better than the math class. Kiss that darling baby and husband, and in FL "catch a wave" ( also a song you can sing) for me.