Thursday, July 31, 2008

St. Louie

Went to St. Louis for the weekend to hang with my cousin Tim, his wife Gina, and their daughter Caroline. She is a month older than Hawkins and totally awesome. We had fun! Not much for words right now after spending the last week writing a fifteen page reflective log on my terrible field placement experiences and then writing a lesson plan that incorporates five "exceptionalities." It was rough. Have the final on Saturday and then FINALLY my three week break arrives. Can't wait. Later.


Brandy said...

Aww Hawkins is such a cutie! I know you are looking forward to your break Amber. Kris finishes up his semester next week and he'll get two weeks. But unfortunately for him, I'm putting him to work changing bedrooms around. Your little man is growing so fast!

Nicole Puckett said...

That kid is so cute!!

Good luck on your final!

AV Guy said...

I am envious of your picture posts. I really miss seeing you guys tis year. Hope we can see you and the boys before Hawkins is in high school.
Nora is in London for five weeks and then she goes to Berlin for five weeks. We miss her, but we know she's having a great time and using it wisely.
Mary is in remission and is starting to feel better. Still some gastro stuff but that is being looked into.
I miss the whole Wheeler clan. Been a little out of touch for the past few months.
What's your school year looking like? Scott's?
Peace to you and your fabulous family.