Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Gross Ball of Hair

I haven't posted much lately because I haven't felt like saying much. I just don't have anything to say. The first thing that came to my mind when I thought of writing something was the image of this disgusting ball of hair that I have passed on my way to and fro work for the past week. It's in the grass by the sidewalk and I can't figure out a)if it's human, b)if is was cut or torn c)why someone would drop their hair in this location. It's not near a house or a store or anything really. There's just an overpass. It's been disturbing me. Yep. That's about it for what's inside my brain right now. I mean, there are other things, but does anyone really want to read my to do list?

There's clothes. I want some new ones.

There's fitness. I'm trying to get in shape.

There's toys. I found a new brand of toy for Hawkins and I'm obsessed with the company- Whoozit.com. Check it out.

There's the farm vegetables that I love. I think I've exhausted that topic. (we did get a MASSIVE squash last week that defies measurements. Think whale.)

There's Hawkins and Scott. They rock. We all know that.

There's family and friends who are all great.

There's work which is work and school which is school.

And then there's that gross ball of hair again. Right there. Staring up at me not just twice a day, but in my mind's eye as well. All the time! Ugh. Yuck. I hate hair.


adam said...

I think you should retrieve this ball of hair and make art with it.

Lauriann said...

just catching up with your blog. I love it. Always something to smile about. I really like all the baptism picures as well. Hawkins is ADORABLE! As soon as Taylor saw him she was like..."who is THAT?!" It was cute.