Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Okay- so, I've been working out pretty steadily for about two and a half weeks now- weights and cardio. So, why in God's holy name are all my pants tighter. Seriously, I about died. My love handles are hanging over shorts that weren't even tight two weeks ago. What is happening? And why did God choose me to try sick experiments on? I'm trying to get THINNER! Ugh. This certainly is not the motivating factor that I needed. As if I don't have enough against me as it is! I have little time; I am afraid to get sweat on the machines; Exercise is just unattractive. I mean, does anyone look good doing squats? Does anyone's ass look good in the mirror upside down when they are doing hip lifts? And now, on top of all of these obstacles, I've got to deal with getting bigger on top of it.

Lauriann? Brig? Help me out here. Tell me there's hope. Tell me that I will get smaller and SOON. I won't have anything to wear if I don't get smaller soon.

In other news, today is Wednesday which means it's veggie day! We've got corn, potatoes, peppers, onions, squash, eggplant, beans, tomatoes, garlic, swiss chard, and WATERMELON! That's should be sweet! No cucumbers. Hmmm. Haven't gotten any new recipes lately.

Hawkins is developing admirably. He's sitting up now, eating a cheerio like food, and we're just now starting him on the sippy cup. He understands the concept, but doesn't use it very well on his own yet. Sometimes I look in his crib and he looks like this big farmer kid raised on the land and fed meat and potatoes each day, and sometimes he looks like a little baby, innocent and fragile. He really likes to grab faces now and I love it. He'll raise his tiny hands and put them on each cheek and just hold your face. Then he tries to pull your face close to his as if he wanted to kiss you. It's very sweet until he grabs my hair and holds on with his death grip while I have my head turned up upside down and begin to lose consciousness from the pain.

Since I'm on the subject of hair I will update you on gross ball of hair on the sidewalk. It was actually on the sidewalk this morning. Someone's been messing around with it, apparently, because there hasn't been any wind. It looked like it had moved about a foot. Whose hair is it?


Anonymous said...

amber- i am sure you look hot as fire. actually i KNOW you do-i've seen your recent pictures. anyways, i swear by pilates. it leans you out without any bulk whatsoever. i could not do squats and weights and stuff because i know for me that my clothes got tighter and i got very bulky. pilates leans all the muscles out. just throwin' that out there. that's MY experience though. i think you look GREAT. :)

Amber said...

Thanks, Katie. You look great, too. Like a supermodel. Maybe I'll start doing pilates and yoga again.

I did them until Hawkins was born, but haven't found the time since his birth. I loved it, too. Maybe I'll get back into it. It's easiest for me to work out, though, if I'm away from the house and by myself. Otherwise, I'll just do stuff I need to get done like chores.

Lauriann said...

Holy cow, laughing out loud, Amber! I have no advice for you--I recently gained 10 lbs in 3 days, so I've got my own stuff. Sorry...